Reduce Your Anxiety With This Simple Strategy
Anxiety, Body Image, Motherhood, Self Awareness, Self Care Jennifer Reddish Anxiety, Body Image, Motherhood, Self Awareness, Self Care Jennifer Reddish

Reduce Your Anxiety With This Simple Strategy

So many people I know, particularly mothers, don’t eat breakfast; and the reason is: “I’m too busy!” Well I’m here to tell you that YOU are worth prioritizing. When you don’t make time for yourself and your basic needs, you’re not the only one who suffers - your family does too.

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But it’s Normal, Right? Part 1: Postpartum Bodies:
Body Image, Motherhood Jennifer Reddish Body Image, Motherhood Jennifer Reddish

But it’s Normal, Right? Part 1: Postpartum Bodies:

Often when we claim that something is “normal”, it can trigger feelings of powerlessness... or make us feel defeated or like we won’t be able to change. It can also create acceptance, which is positive in many situations (normalizing, decreasing shame,etc!) , but you don’t have to just accept that you will be uncomfortable and dissatisfied with your body because you’re a mama now.

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Getting Your Body Back After Baby - Not What You Might Think
Body Image, Post Partum, Motherhood Jennifer Reddish Body Image, Post Partum, Motherhood Jennifer Reddish

Getting Your Body Back After Baby - Not What You Might Think

The truth is, your body will never be the same as it was before you got pregnant. Your body has grown and birthed a human being, and your body is now caring for that human being! Your body will go through many changes as it adjusts through these monumental stages of life. Will you fit back into your old jeans? Maybe. Maybe not.

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My 3 Favourite Strategies for Managing Anxiety

My 3 Favourite Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Some common presenting symptoms of anxiety are: short of breath, racing heart, shaking/trembling hands, sweating, difficulty concentrating or focusing, feeling lightheaded, feeling restless or on edge, difficulty sleeping, worrying and racing thoughts. Do any of these sound familiar? READ ON!

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Feeling Good in Your Body
Self Care, Body Image, Self Esteem Jennifer Reddish Self Care, Body Image, Self Esteem Jennifer Reddish

Feeling Good in Your Body

So many of us are disconnected from our bodies - it's no wonder there are so many women with body image issues. After all, how can you feel good in your body if you aren't in tune with it? I believe that we must respect, love and nurture our inner-selves to be able to respect, love and nurture our outer-selves (our bodies) – and vice versa!

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