Here’s the thing: so many of us have been conditioned to believe that anger is BAD… but the reality is that we ALL feel anger from time to time, and that’s okay!

Soooo, this combination of feeling the natural, normal feeling of anger + absorbing the projected shame from this conditioned belief that anger is BAD = a suppressed response to our anger, denying it, hiding it, and then inevitably having it either explode out in rage, sneak out sideways through nasty passive-aggressive behaviour, or being continually suppressed within ourselves causing a variety of internal issues including anxiety, depression, and a whirlpool of physical health issues.

Alternatively, when we learn how natural, important and healthy anger is, we can recognize it as a GOOD thing that can enlighten us, enhance our awareness of ourselves, and allow it to guide us towards healthy and necessary boundary setting, let it push us to use our power in a healthy way instead of continually giving all of our power away, and seek understanding and acceptance towards the other buried emotions beneath the anger.

So, you tell me... is anger dangerous? And if it is, then is the acknowledgement of it dangerous or is it the suppression that can lead to danger?


Struggling with feelings of Anger or Rage?

  1. You are perfectly normal.

    2. This Self Paced Workshop has the best tools to help assist you in working through these strong emotions

Jen is a counsellor and psychotherapist in Calgary, Alberta. She offers workshops as well as individual counselling online and in person in Calgary. Please visit the website for more information.


Yes. I Have Anxiety. How Did I Not See It Before?


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